Estate Sale – March 22 and 23 – Brigantine
March 22 @ 9:00 am - March 23 @ 3:00 pm
5 Harbour Court, Brigantine
Exceptional 1800s antique mahogany plantation/paymaster’s desk, collection of beads and jewelry making materials, collection of Russian dolls (Matryoshka doll), Johnson Brothers service, outstanding attractive white sofa with loveseat and side chairs, oak bowed glass China closet with paw feet and lion heads, cut glass, pressed glass, Soki set, books, Horrace Mann varsity jacket, gold gilded mirrors, oak bookcase with drawer, mahogany desk, industrial adjustable arm lamp wicker bookcase/chest of drawers, wicker end stands, (2) oak side chairs, double and queen mattress and springs, pencil drawings of nudes, men’s and women’s clothing, retro dressers with mirror and night stands and headboard with bakelite handles, TVGs rattan cart, wool area rugs, industrial type drafting table, artwork, Alfredo Mezio ink drawing of woman at a table with elephant, Pablo Picasso prints signed on plate, 1986 lithograph of Charlie Chaplan” by Red Grooms, set of Bridgeton tires, (3) NFS wire racks, hand tools, tool box, silver plate items, flatware set 1847 Rogers Bros., kitchen wares, small appliances, “Prayer in Blue” 2002 artwork, slant top desk, Dirty Dogs of Paris series by Boris O’Klein, outstand carved oak sideboard with paw feet, Harold Altman ATLE Mont Editions, Ironstone tureen, ornate carved marble top fern stand, heaters, chest of drawers, storage organizer bins, Epson Workforce Pro printer, 1930s record cabinet, oak paw foot table with leaves, upholstered sofa, 1950s mahogany post bookcase and much more.
Methods of Payment: credit card, debit card, Venmo
Terms: 8 AM We will distribute numbers for entrance on a first come, first serve basis.